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The Doghouse NYC

Music for Ads. The Doghouse NYC Reel


20th Century Classical Kid Mobile Devices Click Here

From Atari's, Backyard Sports this is one of nearly fifty themes, each accompanying a character from the video game series. This one, inspired by Stravinsky's Firebird, features extensive use of the VSL library of orchestral samples.


Kingston Doghouse Mobile Devices Click Here

The sunny, island tones of this composition helped us endure the long cold New York winters. Can't we play reggae every day?


Betty Crocker

Betty Crocker audio

This cookie dough spot, produced for Massive Music, runs during the holiday season. It's a quirky piece featuring piano with percussion, flutes, and bells.


Familiar Old Piano Stream to iPhone

This is the piano from your grandma's house. Played down the hall the sound is a memory. A warm and happy ghost in pajamas with padded feet who tiptoes around the tree.


Lincoln Mercury

Anti-plectrum vidio

A reversed piano sample characterizes this soundscape as well as a home brewed instrument that we call the anti-plectrum. A collections of samples made by playing a prepared guitar where the sun don't shine. Combine this with found sounds from the subway, stutter edits, and a little mojo to taste and enjoy.


Copyright © 2005 The Doghouse NYC | contact | (646)450-1076 |
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